Award-winning journalist Danny Schechter was the first to expose Wall Street’s dangerous connections to the subprime loan scandal that precipitated the economic crisis that began in 2008 and continues today. Schechter’s hard look at the causes of the historic meltdown and makes the case that it was built on a foundation of greed and criminality on an epic scale. Noam Chomsky writes: “Fully living up to his reputation as the News Dissector, Danny Schechter goes right for the jugular in this rich and informative analysis of the financial crisis and its roots. Not errors, accident, market uncertainty and so on, but crime: major and serious crime. A harsh judgment, but it is not easy to dismiss the case he constructs.”
The Secret of Wealth: A Common Sense Guide to Prosperity
The Secret of Wealth: A Common Sense Guide to Prosperity is not only a book about how to live a successful and wealthy life, it is-like all classics-a book on how to think. Its timeless wisdom contends that wealth is indeed a state of mind, not the result of extraordinary talents or a lottery windfall. Financial experts Napoleon Hill, Charles Haanel and James Allen, as well as business tycoons John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie have successfully built their immense wealth on the fundamental principles Hobbs describes here. Before searching for a new job, contemplating a major purchase or making any speculative investments, discover the fundamental principles of The Secret of Wealth and reap the benefits for greater financial security.
Ten Years of Wall Street
The stock market crash of 1929 and the subsequent Great Depression did not occur in a vacuum: their roots lie in economic events that occurred over the previous ten years. This book performs a financial autopsy on the “speculative decade” from 1919 to 1929, exploring the ruinous aftermath of World War I – in which war debts were contested and battles over reparations set the stage for a difficult international monetary situation – as well as the natural waxing and waning of economic cycles and the processes and procedures of stock exchanges that contributed to disaster. Written by a lawyer and emphasizing a legal perspective on the workings of a complex economy, this classic work of high finance offers a unique panorama on an important era of American history that is often overlooked.
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